Wednesday, June 25, 2008

star trek realized

The discussion today in class was very intriguing in that technology has effected humanity and our own definitions of what life means and is. I had no idea that the 'transport' technology was actually possible, and that there are current experiments with it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised because I look at my cell phone and see the communicator Captain Kirk used.

The other piece of this that really got my gears spinning is the coding of DNA, and other organic materials for use by technology. The concept of being able to take flesh and turn it into digital signals and electrons sparks the imagination to what kind of possibilities the future will hold for humanity.

1 comment:

Mrs. Mistry said...

It is amazing to see how much technology affects our lives without us even realizing it! It just goes to show that nothing exists in isolation. The way we live today is the result of many technological advances throughout the centuries. It seems that lately almost anything people dream up is possible! I don't know who Captain Kirk is (is that bad?) but I do think that the "communicator" he used was someone's fantasy at one point in time, and has now become a reality in our daily lives. I truly admire those visionaries who make fantasy become reality.

On the DNA thing... In one of my other classes we were talking about technology and someone said that they are looking to install DNA chips into guns. The purpose of this is so that only the person whose DNA matches the gun would be able to shoot it. The possibility of this technology fascinates me. I think it is a great idea and would cut down on accidents and shootings done with stolen guns. I cannot honestly even perceive how people are smart enough not only to think this up, but to be able to bring it to fruition!